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How Much Does a Tiger Weigh?

May 01, 2023 7 min read

How Much Does a Tiger Weigh

The weight of a tiger is significant for a variety of reasons. Powerful predators like tigers are crucial to maintaining the ecological balance in their environments. It is essential to comprehend their weight in order to guarantee their protection and the preservation of their natural environments.

Furthermore, knowing a tiger's weight can help with research and scientific investigations, enabling a better understanding of their biology and behavior. This article will examine tigers' weight, including the typical weight of several species, the variables that affect their weight, and the significance of this information.

II. What is the Weight of a Tiger?

  • Average weight of a tiger:

    The weight of a tiger can vary depending on its species, gender, and age. On average, adult male tigers weigh around 400 to 550 pounds (180 to 250 kg), while females weigh around 265 to 370 pounds (120 to 170 kg).

  • Heaviest recorded tiger weight:

    However, some tiger species can grow significantly more than others. For instance, the Siberian or Amur tiger is the biggest tiger species and may reach weights of 370 pounds (170 kilograms) for females and 660 pounds (300 kilograms) for males.

    Given that it can be challenging to measure a wild tiger's weight precisely, the record for the heaviest recorded weight of a tiger is contested. However, a male Bengal tiger that was shot in northern India in 1967 and weighed an estimated 857 pounds (388.7 kg) was one of the heaviest tigers ever recorded.

III. Male vs Female Tiger Weight

male and female tiger

Differences in weight between male and female tigers

The functions that male and female tigers play in reproduction and territorial behavior can be used to explain why male and female tigers differ in size and weight. To compete for and protect territory, as well as to entice and mate with females, male tigers must be bigger and stronger.

Female tigers, on the other hand, must be swift and nimble in order to seek prey and defend their young.

In addition, factors including a tiger's age, location, and food supply might affect the size and weight disparities between male and female tigers.

For instance, both male and female tigers may be smaller and lighter in regions with a lack of food in order to preserve energy.

Male tigers are typically larger and heavier than female tigers, this is not always the case. There can be significant individual variation within each sex, and there have been instances where a particularly large female tiger weighs more than a smaller male tiger of the same subspecies.

IV. Different Species of Tigers and Their Weights

There are nine recognized subspecies of tigers, each with their own unique characteristics, including differences in size and weight. Here is a list of the different tiger subspecies and their average weight:

A. Bengal Tiger Weight

  • Male Bengal tigers typically weigh between 400-500 pounds (180-227 kg)
  • Female Bengal tigers typically weigh between 270-300 pounds (123-136 kg)
bengal tiger

B. White Tiger Weight

  • Male white tigers typically weigh between 450-550 pounds (204-249 kg)
  • Female white tigers typically weigh between 250-350 pounds (113-159 kg)

white tiger

C. Siberian Tiger Weight

  • Male Siberian tigers typically weigh between 400-675 pounds (181-306 kg)
  • Female Siberian tigers typically weigh between 200-375 pounds (91-170 kg)

D. Sumatran Tiger Weight

  • Male Sumatran tigers typically weigh between 220-310 pounds (100-141 kg)
  • Female Sumatran tigers typically weigh between 165-243 pounds (75-110 kg)

E. Indochinese Tiger Weight

  • Male Indochinese tigers typically weigh between 330-430 pounds (150-195 kg)
  • Female Indochinese tigers typically weigh between 220-290 pounds (100-132 kg)

F. Malayan Tiger Weight

  • Male Malayan tigers typically weigh between 220-300 pounds (100-136 kg)
  • Female Malayan tigers typically weigh between 165-243 pounds (75-110 kg)

G. South China Tiger Weight

  • Male South China tigers typically weigh between 250-330 pounds (113-150 kg)
  • Female South China tigers typically weigh between 220-240 pounds (100-109 kg)

H. Javan Tiger Weight

  • Male Javan tigers typically weigh between 220-310 pounds (100-141 kg)
  • Female Javan tigers typically weigh between 165-243 pounds (75-110 kg)

I. Bali Tiger Weight

Bali tigers are extinct, but it is believed that they were similar in size to Javan tigers.



Tiger Species Male Weight Female Weight
Bengal Tiger 400-500 lbs (180-227 kg) 270-300 lbs (123-136 kg)
White Tiger 450-550 lbs (204-249 kg) 250-350 lbs (113-159 kg)
Siberian Tiger 400-675 lbs (181-306 kg) 200-375 lbs (91-170 kg)
Sumatran Tiger 220-310 lbs (100-141 kg) 165-243 lbs (75-110 kg)
Indochinese Tiger 330-430 lbs (150-195 kg) 220-290 lbs (100-132 kg)
Malayan Tiger 220-300 lbs (100-136 kg) 165-243 lbs (75-110 kg)
South China Tiger 250-330 lbs (113-150 kg) 220-240 lbs (100-109 kg)
Javan Tiger 220-310 lbs (100-141 kg) 165-243 lbs (75-110 kg)
Bali Tiger Extinct, but believed to be similar in size to Javan tigers.

These are average weights and there can be significant individual variation within each subspecies. Additionally, factors such as age, geographic location, and food availability can also affect the weight of tigers.

V. Factors Affecting a Tiger's Weight

There are several factors that can affect a tiger's weight, including:

  • Age: As with any living organism, tigers reach their maximum weight when they are fully grown. Consequently, younger tigers possess smaller body sizes and have a lower mass in comparison to their older counterparts.

old tiger

  • Gender: Gender is another determining factor in a tiger's weight, with male tigers generally being larger and heavier than females. However, this difference can vary among different subspecies of tigers, with some showing more significant differences between genders than others.

  • Geographic location: Geographic location is yet another factor that can affect a tiger's weight, with tigers residing in different parts of the world having distinct weights due to variations in their habitat and the availability of prey.

  • Diet: Diet plays an essential role in a tiger's weight. The quantity and quality of food available to them can significantly affect their mass. In general, tigers that have access to an abundance of high-quality prey tend to be more substantial than those that don't.

  • Health: Tigers' health can also impact their weight, with those who are injured or unwell losing mass as a result.

  • Genetics: Lastly, the genetics of individual tigers can also play a crucial role in their weight. Some subspecies may have inherent variations in size, causing them to be naturally larger or smaller than others.

VI. Importance of Knowing Tigers' Weights

Knowing the weights of tigers is important for a number of reasons, including:

  • Conservation efforts: Understanding the weights and body sizes of tigers can be important for conservation efforts, as it can help researchers to estimate the size of tiger populations and track changes in population sizes over time.

    This information can be used to inform conservation policies and help to protect tigers from threats such as habitat loss and poaching.

tiger in the grass

  • Understanding behavior in the wild: Knowing a tiger's weight can also be useful for understanding its behavior in the wild. For example, larger tigers may be better equipped to take down larger prey, while smaller tigers may be more agile and able to hunt smaller prey.

    Understanding these differences can help researchers to gain insight into the behavior and ecology of tigers in different habitats.

VII. Famous Tigers and Their Weights

Throughout history, there have been many examples of tigers that have gained fame for their size and weight. Here are a few notable examples:

  • The largest captive tiger: The title for the largest captive tiger goes to a male Siberian tiger named Jaipur, who weighed in at a staggering 857 pounds.

  • The largest wild tiger: The largest wild tiger on record was a male Bengal tiger known as the "Champawat Tiger", which reportedly measured 11 feet in length and weighed over 500 pounds. This tiger was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 436 people in Nepal and India during the early 20th century.

giant tiger

  • The fictional tiger: In Rudyard Kipling's classic novel "The Jungle Book", the character Shere Khan is a Bengal tiger known for his size and strength. While there is no official weight recorded for this fictional tiger, he is often depicted as being one of the largest and most fearsome creatures in the jungle.

  • The "Tiger King" tigers: In the popular Netflix documentary series "Tiger King", viewers are introduced to a number of tigers and other big cats that are kept in captivity by exotic animal owners. While the weights of these tigers are not officially recorded, they are known for their unique and sometimes outrageous personalities.

These are just a few examples of tigers that have gained fame for their size and weight, either through real-life events or popular culture.

VIII. Future of Tigers' Weights

The future of tiger populations and their weights is a subject of concern for conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Climate change and human interference are two major factors that could potentially impact the weights of tigers in the future.

As the global climate continues to change, it is likely that tiger habitats will be affected, which could in turn impact their food sources and availability. This could lead to changes in the diets of tigers, potentially causing changes in their weights over time.

Human interference, such as habitat destruction and poaching, also has the potential to impact the weights of tigers. As tiger populations continue to decline, their genetic diversity may be impacted, potentially leading to changes in their physical characteristics, including their weight.

It is difficult to predict exactly how these factors will impact the weights of tigers in the future. However, continued conservation efforts and the protection of tiger habitats will be crucial in ensuring the survival and well-being of these majestic creatures.

Weight comparison of big cats:

Species Male Weight Female Weight
Tiger 180 to 250 kg
(397 to 551 lbs)
120 to 170 kg
(265 to 375 lbs)
Lion 150 to 260 kg
(330 to 573 lbs)
120 to 182 kg
(265 to 401 lbs)
Jaguar 120 kg
(265 lbs)
Up to 100 kg
(Up to 220 lbs)
Leopard 36 to 75 kg
(79 to 165 lbs)
21 to 60 kg
(46 to 132 lbs)

IX. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How much does a baby tiger weigh?

    A baby tiger weighs around 2-3 pounds (1-1.5 kg) at birth and can gain up to 1 pound (0.5 kg) per day in the first few weeks.

  2. How much does a tiger eat in a day?

    An adult tiger can eat up to 90 pounds (40 kg) of meat in a single meal, but typically consumes around 10-15 pounds (4.5-7 kg) per day.

  3. How long does it take for a tiger to reach its full weight?

    It takes around 3-4 years for a tiger to reach its full weight, which varies depending on the species and gender.

  4. Can tigers lose weight if they don't eat regularly?

    Tigers can lose weight if they don't eat regularly, but if they go too long without food, they may resort to attacking livestock or humans.

If you look for more Tiger facts and information please check theses articles:











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